27th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies
to be held in Imatra, Finland, June 8–12, 2012
We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) at Imatra and open to any semiotician interested in the topics given below. The director of the Summer School and ISI, is Professor Eero Tarasti.
Dates and Locations of the Seminars:
June 8–12, 2012, Hotel Valtionhotelli, an art nouveau castle in Imatra, Eastern Finland (near the border of Russia and well-known for its historical, natural, and cultural attractions)
1) The 31st Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars), June 9–10; chair: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki); Special themes: Performing Arts (chair: André Helbo, Bruxelles); Consumption as Signification (chair: Kristian Bankov, Sofia)
2) Nordic Semiotic Paradigms - NASS 25 Years: "Where Cognitive, Bio- and Existential Semiotics Meet?", chair: Luis Emilio Bruni
3) Semiotics of Belonging: Existential, Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Self-Identity at Home and Abroad; chairs: Elzbieta Wasik (Poznan) and Josef Zaprucki (Jelenia Góra)
4) 8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation, June 11–12;
chairs: Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen (University of Helsinki)
5) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space; chair: Daina Teters (Riga)
6) Places of Memory; chair: Patrizia Violi (Bologna)
Each seminar consists of papers presented by both invited lecturers and participants. The aim of the summer school is to offer the participants both up-to-date research and an opportunity to discuss thoroughly their projects with leading specialists in the various fields.
Duration of papers: 30 min. The working languages of the seminars and congresses are English, French, and German
Preliminary program:
June 8Registration and lodging
June 909.00-16.00 Seminar lectures and papers,
18.00Opening celebration of the International Summer School of Semiotic Studies,
June 10–1209.00–18.00Seminar lectures and papers
Categories of Participation and Conditions of Admission:
There are two categories of participation:
1) Active: the participant will present a paper.
2) Passive: the participant will audit the summer school without presenting a paper.
An active participant must send a short curriculum vitae and a one-page abstract of his/her paper together with the registration form to the address given at the bottom of this letter. These materials should reach the organizers no later than April 15, 2012. The abstracts will be published as a booklet for the congresses, and should be sent both as a word-processing file (email attachment or saved to diskette).
A passive participant must send the registration form by April 30, 2011.
Participation Fee: 200 EUR (The fee covers lunch and two coffees a day from June 9–12 and an elegant evening reception and buffet on June 9th.)
Payment of fees must be made before April 30 by bank transfer to the ISI bank account with Sampo Bank. The international account number is IBAN FI8780001802071697 and the BIC/SWIFT code DABAFIHH; Sampo bank, Hiililaiturinkuja 2, P.O. Box 1561, 00075 Sampo pankki
Accommodation prices:
Imatran Valtionhotelli: 100 € / person/ day/ in a single room, Spa hotel
111 € / person/ day in a single room, Castle hotel
143 €/ day in a double room, Castle hotel
132 € day in a double room, Spa hotel
22 € / dinner/ day in the hotel
Accommodation will be reserved from Valtionhotelli before 8.6.12 by name ISI Summer School
tel + 358 5 625 2000 or email: valtionhotelli.rantasipi@restel.fi
Accommodation in Summer Hostel Mansikkala
Pilvikuja 2B, 55100, tel +358 44 797 5452
Prices will be informed later
Accommodation will be reserved in Summer Hostel Mansikkala before 15.6. by name ISI Summer School, email: hostel.mansikkala@topjopi.fi, www.hostelmansikkala.com
For further information and / or to register, please contact:
International Semiotics Institute, Virastokatu 1, 55100 Imatra, Finland
tel.+358-20 617 6639, fax +358-20 617 6696
E-Mail: info@isisemiotics.fi
You are also encouraged to visit the ISI Internet website (address given above) for the most up-to-date information as it becomes available.
Registration form